Hosting a Renegade retreat in your location is a great opportunity to grow your network and build connections within your community or professional field. If you are a doctor, nurse or healthcare professional; therapist, business professional, government worker, community leader - a professional of any field - The Renegade Method™ events are tailored to respond directly to the needs of your community.
We have created The Renegade Method™ Workshop Toolkit to support you in every aspect: envisioning, planning, proposing and organizing. The Renegade Method™ Team will accompany you along the way.
What is an All-Inclusive Renegade Retreat?
Sensory immersion
Mindfulness practices
Deep learning
Nature and beauty
Our Events
What Participants are saying?
“It was life-changing, and completely blew up my limited perspective on who I was and showed me that I am so much greater than I'd dared to dream. The ebb and flow of the retreat was really aided by those physical embodiment opportunities, and I feel they made a huge difference in actually allowing the material to land within my body rather than just wash over me. Please always have embodiment invitations like this for all future retreats!”
“It has helped me work with long ingrained patterns and emotions. I want to work as well as create space for my contractions and continually work to experience these contractions in my body and not my mind.”
“The clarity was unexpected, astounding, more than I could possibly imagine and I know there are layers and layers of clarity that will continue to emerge from this time. It is powerful to be able to go to the root with whatever contraction arises and to apply the tools, making space and re parenting to those roots to not stay in "healing" but to actually heal.”
“RM keeps coming back to change our perspective. The empowerment/ responsibility lens is one I have not seen anywhere else and is one element that I think is pretty critical."
“This method provided immense clarity and practically applicable tools that I can use in every area of my life. This retreat has left a deep impact on me and how I approach life. It has given me the tools to ask the right questions, paise and reflect on my process. It helps me see how I am stuck in my patterns and keep favoring them oblivious to how it keeps me bound.”
“The RM retreat has helped me to shift my limiting perception in a palpable way by creating a connection between my body and mind, helping me to understand how the subconscious mind drives my actions. I learned concrete ways of recognizing when I am in distress or discomfort and asking myself simple and practical questions to arrive at a place of better understanding of how this pattern has been formed and how to move through the confusion to a place of more clarity. It will influence how I understand myself and how I interact with the world to start making better choices or taking more effective actions.”
“Literally, this has been a total RESET-REBIRTH. A laser-like tool that works if you are willing to get out of Life’s way and let her do her business. Empowerment from the inside-out. This is permeating all - believes, behaviors, memories, patterns systematically eviscerated. By using the practical algorithm, we can transform from tame and domesticated to untamed and wild! “
“RM has tools to question the situations or inner stance I want to change.”
“It has opened up space for more acceptance of who I am. It has awakened my curiosity about all possibilities of being alive with less judgment of my
own feelings and thinking. It has given me tools to stand on my own power. To take responsibility for my choices."
“ I love how the RM algorithm distills things in such a way that it allows me to zoom in on the core issue that drives and informs all of my behavior. This deep intensive dive into the RM truly felt like a transformative experience. I was astonished how powerful and effective all of the components of this practice were. I had a felt experience of creating space for emotions I had been continuing to suppress.”
“It's only been a week since the end of retreat, but RM is already having a deep impact. A breakthrough has been the teaching to give space to what is arising.”
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